Monthly statistics

March 2023

Our dedication to Customer Experience is measured each month. Our pursuit of five-star-rated IT support underwrites our fresh approach.

Always delivered by knowledgeable, friendly people – focused on fixing your IT issue, big or small.

Monthly CX stats

Busiest day and time

Mon  10 am

35 calls taken ↔️ 0%

Total monthly calls


51 calls per day  🔼 4%

Average ring time

35 seconds

To talk to a technician

Ease of getting help

93% very easy

37 very easy, 3 easy, 0 It’s okay/difficult/very difficult

Closed ticket survey draw winner

Won a £20 Amazon voucher for completing a closed ticket survey and entering the draw.

Closed ticket survey CSAT and NPS

100% satisfied with our service

Avg. 98.7% YTD

40 gave a rating of 4 or 5 out of 5

Happiness icon

95% would recommend us

100% last month

Rated Excellent: 38 promoters, 0 detractors

Closed ticket survey feedback

James Farr, Support Technician


Very helpful and quick in fixing my issue.



Scott was very helpful, patient and very knowledgeable. Also friendly with a good sense of humour!

Sam Hallet, Support Technician

Sam H

Sam was very well trained in the issue, very friendly and easily able to keep the conversation fluid and doing the job efficiently.

Tom Goodby Support Technician

Tom G

Fab service, so fast. Tom even handled that my webpage was in Swedish i.e gibberish. 5/5 stars thank you.

10 team members mentioned, 16 positive comments

Top five-star rated team member

Scott Perryman, Support Technician


Gained 3 mentions over this month for the help he gave our clients when they called or emailed in with an issue.

Last month 5 mentions, Avg 4 mentions a month

We work hard each month to resolve your issues quickly and in a friendly manner. Our customer satisfaction scores, along with other service measures helps us ensure we are delivering a five-star service.