Skills Platform, with Zoe Amar and David Evans, have published their second Charity Digital Skills Report, giving insight from 526 charity professionals throughout the UK on digital trends affecting the industry.
Our IT training courses can be delivered at our offices in Exeter, at client’s premises or any other suitable location. Courses are available for many IT and business-related subjects; however, we can tailor training courses for specialist software and IT products.
When IT Champions delivers your training, you can be confident that you will receive training from qualified and experienced instructors. Our training team is available to help you to plan a training programme, customise a course or advise you on your specific requirements.
The report offers some interesting stats, such as the top rated challenges preventing these charities from reaching their digital potential.

– Source: Charity Digital Report 2018 via Skills Platform
‘Lack of funding’ has overtaken ‘Lack of skills’ as the biggest obstacle to progressing with digital, though the latter remains in second place. Those citing ‘culture’ as a barrier has also risen since 2017, and a ‘lack of leadership’ also remains a prominent issue.
When it comes to digital impact, 73% of respondents noted that ‘growing your charity’s network’ would be a positive result of digital skills, as well as delivering strategy more effectively and growing fundraising.
Results across all questions emphasise that there is still much to be done to equip charities with the digital skills they require, and to overcome the obstacles preventing these. The authors note, ” Less than one in three charities have a clear digital strategy. We hope charities will be ambitious about their use of digital and what they can achieve with it. All of this needs leaders to throw their weight behind digital.”
IT Champion works to alleviate some of these hurdles, and works with many prominent charity’s throughout the UK to provide affordable and flexible IT support and services.
Read some of our recent case studies here, or contact us to make an appointment and learn how can help your charity save time, money and resources.