Microsoft OneDrive
(for business)
Microsoft OneDrive is a cloud-based, file hosting service that is part of the Microsoft 365 suite of products. OneDrive allows users to store personal files that can be accessed on multiple devices or via their Microsoft 365 account online.

Microsoft OneDrive for Business is a cloud-based storage platform that is designed specifically for users to store and access data that is specific to them. OneDrive for Business is not to be confused with Microsoft SharePoint which is better suited to the storing and accessing of data that multiple users need to access to and where organisations need to have visibility and control over. OneDrive for Business forms an essential component of the Microsoft Modern Workplace.
An easy way to imagine how Microsoft OneDrive for business is used is to think of it as a modern way of storing documents on your laptop or computer and filing them in folders or saving them on your desktop for quick access.
OneDrive addresses the need to access the same data across multiple devices and the need to ensure that that data is backed up so that the data is not lost in the event of a failed or lost device.

Combined with Windows 10, OneDrive for Business can be configured to replace the folder paths of common folder locations, such as Desktop, Downloads, Documents and Pictures and so that users still stores and accesses their personal files in the same familiar way but will have the added benefit of having them automatically backed up to OneDrive online so that the documents are available on other devices or a web browser if required. This feature is called known folder redirection.
With files that are stored on user’s laptops automatically synchronized to a user’s OneDrive for business account, accessible from their Microsoft 365 portal in the same way that all their other business applications are, replacing failed or unavailable equipment is quick and simple and reduces the setup time of replacement equipment.

Microsoft does not stop there with its Windows 10 and OneDrive for business integration however, as files on demand is an excellent way of controlling what data is stored locally, on your laptop or pc so that its available with or without an internet connection whilst still ensuring you have visibility and easy access to all of the data stored in your OneDrive for Business account.
For organisations using Microsoft Intune, policies can be applied to devices that automate the setup and management of OneDrive for business across the whole organisation and products like Microsoft Defender for Office 365 add additional protection the data stored and accessed via OneDrive for Business.