
All IT Champion news posts related to IT infrastructure.

Update DKIM MX Rules in your email systems

April 2, 2024|GDPR, Infrastructure, IT Support, Managed IT Services, Microsoft, Microsoft 365, News, Office 365, Software, Technology|

Many IT leaders and IT teams may have heard about DKIM MX rules within email systems. But what are they, and why should your IT support be managing them? In this blog post, we'll explain the benefits of DKIM and email authentication

The real business effects of ransomware on UK organisations

October 15, 2023|Backup, Cyber Security, Data, Disaster Recovery, Firewall, Infrastructure, IT Support, IT Training, Managed IT Services, MFA, Modern workplace, News, Technology|

The real business effects of ransomware on UK organisations. In the third week of Cyber Security Month 2023, we dive into the crucial topic of safeguarding an organisation from the ever-present threats of the digital workplace. One particular menace that

The power of Flex+ from IT Champion

August 14, 2023|Data, Disaster Recovery, Infrastructure, IT Support, Managed IT Services, Modern workplace, Network, News, Technology|

Flex+ Your managed IT infrastructure support solution from IT Champion Unleashing IT infrastructure excellence Tech-savvy senior leaders, are you looking to improve your IT infrastructure but have limited time and resources? Look no further

Embracing Managed IT Infrastructure for small to medium organisations.

August 8, 2023|Cloud, Infrastructure, IT Support, Managed IT Services, Modern workplace, News|

Flex+ Embracing Managed IT Infrastructure Dive into the world of Managed IT Infrastructure and how it can turn the tables for small to medium businesses in the UK. It can be a transformative journey

Spotlight: Cyber Security Analyst, Sam King

June 8, 2023|Cyber Security, Disaster Recovery, Firewall, Infrastructure, IT Support, Managed IT Services, Meet the team, Modern workplace, News, Team|

The vital protection cyber security gives to a Modern Workplace solution needs to be agile and constantly evolving to keep up with ever-increasing outside threats. That is why we have a full-time cyber security expert – Sam King. We wanted

Five steps to a Modern Workplace solution

January 30, 2023|Infrastructure, Microsoft, Modern workplace, News, Technology|

Our modern workplace solution is for small to medium businesses that want to meet the demands and challenges of hybrid working. Using integrated cloud-powered technology to focus on the needs and structure of your organisation, unlike server-based applications and third-party services held together

How we helped the Exeter Chamber drive digital collaboration

September 30, 2022|Case study, Infrastructure, IT Support, Managed IT Services, Microsoft, SharePoint|

A new board of directors had been appointed and a solution was needed to share information and collaborate on projects. Back in June 2021, as the impact of COVID was still being felt on our working lives, Exeter Chamber

Ensuring data protection and governance when off-boarding

September 12, 2022|Cyber Security, Infrastructure, IT Support, Modern workplace, News, SharePoint|

Digital off-boarding How to securely manage a user leaving your organisation It's never easy when an employee or customer leaves. But it can be easy to ensure they have a positive leaving experience and to protect your organisation's data

Discover the power of modern Sharepoint can bring to any workplace.

August 20, 2022|Cloud, Cyber Security, Data, Infrastructure, IT Support, IT Training, Managed Communications, Microsoft, Microsoft 365, Microsoft Teams, Migration, Modern workplace, News, Office 365, SharePoint, Technology|

SharePoint can transform how your organisation collaborates. Salesforce’s recent Global Digital Skills Index surveyed 23,000 workers across 19 countries to determine their level of digital skills readiness. Results showed that only 30% of respondents felt very prepared for workplace digital

Implementing a Microsoft modern workplace solution

August 16, 2022|Cloud, Data, Infrastructure, IT Support, Managed Communications, Managed IT Services, Microsoft, Microsoft 365, Microsoft Teams, Modern workplace, News, Office 365, SharePoint, Technology|

Why your organisation needs a Modern Workplace solution  A study by PLM Series 2022 found that adopting a digital model improves organisational efficiency by 40%, and organisations are listening as 91% of companies have already adopted or plan to adopt a "digital-first" business

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